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Old 11-21-2004, 01:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Merf
Dissention, even YOU could admit that it's not that big of a jump to consider that as a serious possibility. Or have you just not been paying attention since, oh, 1997? What is your hypothesis on this situation anyway? I'd love to know why Kristen & Lindsey have decided to sell "their greatest achievement" only 2 years since it was completed. If you have the whole truth, believe me, I'm listening. I'd LOVE to hear it.
You hit the nail on the head, Meredith. I wouldn't hypothesize as to why they're selling their house because I don't have one shred of evidence that would aid me in coming up with one. For all I know, the whole thing was an investment opportunity. We all know that Lindsey is good with his money.

I've been paying attention perfectly well since '97 and there is nothing to suggest any of the wild things that so many people like to post and believe. People see what they want to see. You could give me a million examples of things that have occurred onstage, but not one of those things has any credibility to it. Stevie and Lindsey are entertainers and the drama is what made them so famous and is what continues to propel a lot of their success today. They play it up for the crowds and are totally conscious of what they're doing.

I also do not analyze interviews and try to find deep, hidden meanings when it comes to their comments like a lot of people do. I don't listen to their songs and automatically believe that the songs are about each other. And, quite frankly, there is nothing to suggest that anything is wrong with the Buckingham marriage or that Lindsey secretly pines over Stevie. It simply isn't realistic and if I wanted to, I could come up with lots of "evidence" that suggests that Lindsey has a thing for that background singer Jana. People see what they want to see. I have no problem with it, espeically if it helps in making someone enjoy the music even more. But let us not publicly insinuate things that we have no clue over because it isn't fair to either one of them. I know lots of people like to vilify Kristin online, but I don't and find it rather brazen and ignorant. Many seem to think that they can tell what's going on in her relationship with Lindsey or how she's feeling just by studying the look on her face at a concert. I don't think so and find that whole notion utterly laughable.

Obviously, this isn't necessarily directed at you, darling. But can't you see my point? I can point at all the "evidence" and other such nonsense if I wanted to, but it doesn't make the whole thing seem any more palatable or believable. None of us even knows them personally, let alone know them well enough to make such grand statements about what we believe to be occurring in their private lives.

PS: Your quite the match for David's snarkiness today.

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