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Old 05-26-2005, 04:04 AM
Kyoshi Kyoshi is offline
Junior Ledgie
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 25

Hi MZero. Very interesting points. Have been abroad for a while hence no postings.
Position is this. The litigation you mention is an action by the government minders on Nigel Watson. This is still ongoing. The minders extracted PG from Splinter by enforcing a clause in the mental health act which allows them to remove anyone from where they work and what this means is that if, for example, someone in PGs condition was an architect and the minders felt inclined to do so for whatever reason they could remove him from the practice. Using the same analogy, if the architect was the creative and senior partner and was removed the question is what happens to the business without the leader: collapse. This is amazing since it is enshrined in the minders procedures to absolutely protect the income of their client, so by removing someone from their income source is a really big step to take. There are dark forces lurking behind all these shenanigans and who nows what the real reasons are.

As it happens PG, Splinter and other people connected with them have all lost loads of future money. Splinter guys have all gone their separate ways and PG is doing his thing in Scandinavia where I guess he is happy, and that is all that matters. Whatever people's views on Watson (the fine line between help and exploitation) I think the point is that he drove the whole shebang forward and everyone benefitted. His reward was to get whacked by the minders. I was talking to PG at their penultimate performance and he was really looking forward to the proposed yankee tour.

For some reason martin celmins who was a sort of live in carer for PG for a while and was very close in with the band and watson seems to have gone over to the side of the government minders. Im not sure where hes coming from but gotta give him credit for thinking of PG. whatever ! So long as we dont forget that PG is not well and needs to be cared for and if that is what is happing in scandinavia somewhere then thats OK with me. There were rumours that the minders wanted him to have a solo career but i think thats a bit of a non starter and I guess he will play as and when it suits him.
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