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Old 05-31-2011, 11:19 PM
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caroline79 caroline79 is offline
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Originally Posted by mezzoforte View Post

Ah, the self-obsessed complaint
I have to say, CAH had her work cut out for her. No one was going to buy Storms for the story of CAH--the audience for her memoir was way more interested in Stevie and Lindsey, and apt, I suppose, to deem her an egomaniac. I didn't get self-obsession from her, and agree with you on that, at least.

That said, her writing struck me as self-indulgent. She writes about herself as stock heroine, overcoming hardships and discovering her true light!
That's not necessarily vanity, though--I tend to think she's just not very introspective and fell back on certain literary clichés. A stronger writer could have made herself interesting to even a skeptical audience, but I don't think she fleshed out her own character (or Lindsey's or Stevie's) well enough to pull in her reader. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the book, believe most of it, and think she's probably a decent person--just not much a writer
I agree. Nobody read this book because she is a good writer. They read it for the drama, history and gossip. She's going to try and portray herself in the best light possible, and really, who wouldn't?

Originally Posted by CADreaming View Post
Thin?? She lost HALF her head! (Maybe that's a good thing...)

I'm not sure how the shape of the face can be so easily dismissed, it's pretty obvious, and I think it's weird but I don't think Dani would misrepresent.
I'm sure she would not misrepresent either. I haven't been around here long enough to really know anyone, but I would hope no one would do that. I guess I am just a very skeptical person. There is just nothing about that picture that reminds me of Carol. And hearing that it is definitely her without getting any other information is hard to believe. Her privacy has already been invaded by the picture being posted so I don't really see how mentioning how the photo came to be would really make a difference.

Hope I am not sounding rude, I really do appreciate it because the CAH story is a whole other obsession of mine. But I have to stop looking because this picture is seriously identical to a 4 year old I know and it is really creeping me out.
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