Thread: Love Grunts
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Old 02-03-2024, 04:57 PM
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Default Love Grunts

Recently I've gone back and listened to live recordings from the White Tour and it's really noticeable that Mick is making grunting sounds when he's playing. There's one performance where you see his mouth moving while he playing so you can tell it's him making the noise. I've known about this for a while and it has always bothered me, but I've wondered why they allowed it to happened. I don't think I've heard anyone mention this topic before including the band or sound guys. Could it be that the mics on the drums were setup differently on that tour and they picked up the noise? Did these grunts inspire Big Love? Was Mick just excited to watch his new singer twirl and shake her...tambourine? Maybe excessive cocaine babbling? I haven't noticed it on the tours before or after 1975, but for me it ruined what would have been perfect performances. It's most noticeable on Rhiannon and you can hear it from the very start of this performance.

5:30. Lindsey looks really good and healthy here.
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