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Old 07-07-2004, 10:58 PM
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Default My Spokane/Ridgefield Reviews + Pictures/Video

SPOKANE 7/3/04

To start things off I’ll begin with the silly parking attendants at the arena. As I was paying one of the attendants to park she asked me what the lady singer in the band’s name was. I told her Stevie, of course. So then, the other lady says “Well, who’s Lindsey?” And I say, “he’s a guy. He’s the guitarist. Stevie’s a girl” So the first lady goes, “oh yeah that’s right.” Apparently, the second lady didn’t hear me because she says in a know it all voice “Lindsey’s not a guy.” So again, I have to say. “Yeah, Lindsey’s a guy.” So then they both start giggling away. Hardy har har. I rolled my eyes and just drove on through.

I was worried about security finding my camera hidden in my purse. That was a waste. They didn’t even check anything and I just walked right to my seat. My seats were by two very cool fans who I chatted with until the concert started (Hi, if you are reading this!) My seat was on Lindsey’s side more towards the center. As soon as the crickets started we ran to the stage. I got a spot to the right of Lindsey’s mic. I’m not really good at remembering the specifics of the songs or Stevie’s clothes etc so unfortunately I can’t go into much detail on that. So if you want to read a review about the songs and the interaction b/w S/L, this isn't the review. I've forgotten already!

I think after I Know I'm Not Wrong, Lindsey finally looked down at where I was and he recognized me!! I didn’t think he would since the last concert I went to was in October. But he did, he pointed and was like “hey, it’s you.” LOL! I was so excited.

I thought Lindsey seemed a little cranky. He didn’t seem to be as happy or as flirty as he usually is. I attribute the low flirtation level to his wife at the side of the stage most of the night! But that was ok, because it gave me a chance to pay more attention to the concert and I really watched Stevie a lot. All I have to say is she is so funny and cute when she first walks on the stage and does this little dance with her arms spread out. She seemed to be having a great time.

I think it was during Rhiannon that LeeLee came out and sat on the side of the stage. Kristen had a video camera and was filming her watch her daddy. The camera was pointed right in my direction so I’m just hoping I’m not in any of the Buckingham family videos. That’s all they need is to see my dorky self in the background. Lindsey finally saw them on the side of the stage and would make faces at LeeLee and she would put her hands on her cheeks and just laugh. It was really cute!! I was really impressed at how well behaved she was. She just sat there with her hands on her chin and watched intently for about 3 songs. My niece who is almost 5 (I don’t think LeeLee is even 4 yet) would have been running up and down the stairs, chatting and tugging at mom etc. Anyway she’s a very cute kid, I think she left after Sara.

Sara was great! Love the red and the hair clip on Stevie. Found it surprising that Lindsey sang a lot of the song facing towards Kristen. I thought that he probably did that because she was there, but then in Ridgefield he did the same thing and I didn’t see her there. So at this time, I decide it would be really cool to get some pictures and video of Sara. So I ask one of the friendly girls to save my spot and I move over to the center, in an open space, I might add. So I’m trying to take a picture and all of a sudden I feel someone grab me on the shoulder and yank back. I turned around and this raunchy woman says, “Excuse me, you’re in my spot!” Well, excuse me, I didn’t know that the spots were saved and I didn’t even see her there when I walked up. I said “Sorry” and moved over a little. She seemed annoyed and grabbed her husband and said “Here, move over, can you see now” like I was really blocking their view. They both gave me a dirty look. Raunch!! I took a few more pictures then moved back. I kept turning around and giving her dirty looks. Beyotch.

So there was a girl standing under Lindsey’s mic that was the “Come” girl. She had an empty plastic beer cup that she wrote on. I finally was able to read what she wrote, I thought she was writing her number or something LOL, but she wrote “It’s my birthday” so Lindsey kept squinting at it and trying to read it. He finally did and was like “oh.” So he later threw her his towel.

On my left I was standing next to another nice girl who I noticed had a picture of her with the entire band. I asked her where she got it and she told me that last year in Portland she was the girl that jumped on stage! She said that after she did that, someone came and got her after the concert and she got to meet the band! I can’t believe that. Knowing my luck, I would get kicked out or something. She kept showing it to Lindsey and he was like “oh yeah.” She later had him sign it. When Ray came over to adjust something, I yelled his name and no reaction. He seemed pretty cranky. In fact, in all the concerts I've been to, he seems very cranky. Poor Ray, Lindsey must put him through the ringer!

During “I’m So Afraid” which I think the guitar solo has gotten way longer, I was getting pretty bored. (I know that is horrible, but I've never been a big fan of that song!) Kristen was watching the front row and I felt bad because I know I looked bored and I was not paying attention to Lindsey at all. Before Stand Back, I glanced over at Sharon and Jana and let me tell you Sharon looked bored out of her mind. She had the funniest look on her face, like “oh hell, this is so boring!” It was kind of surprising. I can see how it would get pretty boring doing the same thing over and over again night after night.

I got to play the guitar during GYOW. Lindsey kind of smiled down and made some faces. It was pretty funny.

So during the World Turning solo I kept looking over at Lindsey and me and this other gal were snapping pictures. I would look and he was like “yeah ok, take a picture.” He just stared and didn’t smile or anything. Ha-ha. I think he thought I took too many pictures LOL. He kept turning around and saying things to Kristen. They are very cute, she would make faces and stuff. But she did not take her eyes off of him for the entire drum solo, wherever he would look, she would look.

Ok so now, Lindsey comes out for the little solo with Mick. I was worried that Mick would spit on me, but luckily he didn’t. Lindsey didn’t have that luck. Mick started doing his blubbering and I see this huge ball of spit fly out of his mouth and land right on Lindsey’s cheek. I literally cringed and made the most horrible face. I could see it glistening in the light and it started to drip down Lindsey’s face. It was awful. I didn’t see another huge glob come out of his mouth, but Lindsey was getting sprayed with little spurts. Poor Lindsey!! Anyone notice how the guy that wipes Lindsey’s microphone after Mick’s solo kind of crouches in a sprinter position for the entire solo?? It’s so funny. You would think he would relax and kind of just sit there, but no, he crouches the entire time like he is ready to sprint forward any second.

After Mick introduced Lindsey I held up my “Lindsey Rulz” sign. This one was a little different from last year. I put pictures of Lindsey on it. One of the pictures was of him wearing the cone head from around the Tusk days. Mick had to point it out to him. When he saw it he was like “what the hell?” He didn’t seem that excited to see it. LOL. Then when Mick introduced John I held up my John sign. I made a sign that looked like a sailboat and put “John McVie Sails” on the bottom and “John Rulz” on the sails. Of course he didn’t see it. Neil was trying to get his attention but he didn’t look. Then when they finished up, John was walking by and I was waving it and screaming. He finally looked at it and pointed and laughed. So that was cool. I was taking pictures and I got one of Lindsey looking at me like “is she taking pictures again?” He is just kind of staring at me. LOL.

Well, overall it was a great concert. Lindsey seemed a little tired and not as happy as usual. But I had a blast.


oh why of why can't I ever get a good picture of Stevie? It's like she has an invisible shield around her that reflects my camera. Almost all of her turned out blurry. I really, really tried to keep the camera still, I even rested my arms on the stage for most of them. I just don't understand what I am doing wrong. But anyway, the reason I have so many Lindsey shots is because of that. My goal in Bozeman is too figure out the blurry factor and get some good ones of Ms. Nicks.

Tracy at Burnish was kind enough to upload my videos on her site. Go check them out - I got one of Lindsey doing his Pre Stand Back Dance. LOL.

Last edited by AliP; 07-08-2004 at 01:12 AM..
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Old 07-07-2004, 11:02 PM
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Ridgefield is a nice venue. I got there early so I could meet the lady I sold my ticket to. When she arrived we headed in. Our seats were once again on Lindsey’s side. They were really to the side and they started at row F so they were farther back then the center section. The stage looked far and I was fretting about how we would make it up there. I talked to the security guard a couple of times asking him if they let people up etc. He said we could go up but we couldn’t be by the stage, it was for the center section. I was like “I don’t think so, I want to be up there.” He was then like, “well, you’re going to do what you want and I can’t stop you.” So that made me happy.

So we sat there for about an hour before the concert started. The people behind us were talking to us and said they had seen FM in Hollywood in 1977 and telling us how Rhiannon was out of this world. I later heard them telling some other people that “Lindsey and Stevie get it on every night. Just look at the way they look at each other.” LOL. I thought that was funny.

I'm not too good at remembering all the details. I recommend reading Everyhour's post on that. She did a great job, describing things in detail!!

So the crickets started and we just sprinted to the stage. We were so fast, it seemed like we had a lot of distance to cover. But we made it up there and I planted myself directly under Lindsey’s mic. I kind of wanted to be in the middle to get better pictures, but there were already too many people there. Mick and John came out first and sat there for like 2 minutes. Mick looked a little irritated. John looked over and I waved and he said something and pointed to where Lindsey and Stevie were supposed to come out. He looked annoyed too. Sharon and Jana were pointing at people in the front row. I don't know if they knew someone or if they were just pointint at people that the recognized from other shows. Finally Lindsey and Stevie came out after it seemed like forever. When Lindsey was getting his guitar on for "The Chain," the cord was kind of wrapped around the end of the guitar (sorry, I don't know what part that is, the long part). Nothing serious, it was wrapped around maybe once and he shot a dirty look over at Ray because of that. I felt sorry for Ray!

I made a shirt that said “I Know I'm Not Wrong.” It had a few pictures of Lindsey on it and had some of the lyrics going around the picture. Yes, I think I copied Joe (Down on Rodeo) a little. But I thought it was such a good idea I could resist, plus it’s one of my favorite songs. When the song started and Lindsey looked at me, I pointed at my shirt. He was kind of squinting and couldn’t really read it very well. Finally he did and smiled and pointed. I yelled, “I know I’m not wrong.” I love that song!! I was bouncing up and down like a spring. I think Mick and Taku got a kick out of it. When the song ended, Lindsey pointed at me and smiled. It was awesome! There was also a girl there who had a shirt on that said "Will you marry me, Lindsey?" He got a kick out of it and when he first saw it he was singing IKINW and laughed while he was singing. There was another song that he started cracking up in but I can't remember which one!

So, there was a guy standing next to me that I will call Mr. S. Pitts (this is short for Stanky arm pitts – he had the worst B.O. and kept lifting his arms up. I’m not that tall – so guess what my face was right under his arm for most of the night) ugh. He kept shouting “Fleetwood, Fleetwood” and “Buckingham/Nicks” throughout the entire night right in my ear and bumping into me. He got a lot of great pictures though and kept showing them to me.

I was the “Come” girl for the night. I think the only reason was because I was directly under his mic. Even Lindsey said to a fan a few weeks ago, that in order to be the “come” girl you usually have to be under his mic. I didn’t mind though. I was happy as a clam. After “Come” when Lindsey kind of hangs over, Mr. S. Pitts started shouting “Fleetwood, Fleetwood.” right in front of Lindsey. Lindsey looked up and looked at him like, “what?” or “why the hell are you yelling Mick’s name, it was my song.” Then he started shouting “Buckingham, Buckingham. Lindsey just walked away. LOL.

Red Rover is awesome. I tried to take a video of it. The video came out great, but the sound was just horrible on the video. I think it was just too loud for my crappy little microphone on my camera. Taku came out he looked at me and I smiled at him so then he kept smiling at me the entire song. He seems a little flirty too.

At this point, Mr. S. Pitts decides to let a girl I will call Ms. S. D Pitts (this is short for Ms. Stanky-Drunk Pitts) up front. She kept bumping into me. After Tusk Lindsey reached out to try to touch some fan’s hands and there was a huge push from behind. I got smashed against the stage. Ms. S.D. Pitts really pushed me and kind of fell into me. Mr. S. Pitts had his arms wrapped around Ms. S.D Pitts and proceeded to grind behind her. It was grossing me out. After Stand Back Lindsey came and threw a towel quite forcefully in the front row. Ms. S.D. Pitts kept yelling in a drunken voice. “Lindsey that was hot, you are a hot man.” LOL. I was laughing, because I didn’t think him throwing a towel was “hot,” but whatever.

I wasn’t even going to try to play his guitar during GYOW. I was afraid that if I reached my arm over, it would be snapped in half. That’s how crazy people were pushing and shoving. I just watched Lindsey’s reaction to everyone playing his guitar. He had to kind of pull away as people were reaching up and grabbing him.

Lindsey went and sat at the side during World Turning and I kept looking at him and smiling. I reminded myself of a psycho, but I couldn’t help it. He kept smiling at me. I sign languaged “I Love You” to him. I don’t even know sign language but I think it was close enough. I don’t know if he could see what I was doing, but he smiled and nodded. LOL. Taku was smiling at me and I waved at him. The gal that I sold my ticket to got Lindsey’s towel. I was really glad that she got it since she was a huge Lindsey fan! Mr. S. Pitts tried to put his hands on my waist. Guess he thought that as long as Ms. S.D. Pitts was allowing it, I would too. Uh, no. I think he felt a cringe go through my body because he pulled his hands off after a second. Gross!!!

I wasn’t going to bring my signs because I felt that Lindsey didn’t act like he was too excited when I held it up in Spokane, but I forgot all about bringing them anyway. I kind of wished I would have remembered my John sign because John looked a little forlorn when he looked out after the introductions and didn’t see my sign. I don’t know if he even recognized me, but he kind of looked around like, “where’s my sign?” ha-ha.

There was a girl standing to my left that I could just tell was the biggest Lindsey fan. She had a neat sign asking him to sign her Tusk album. He came over at the end and signed it. (see the picture where he is kneeling down with the biggest smile on his face). I think he was really happy about signing it. He then started to shake hands. I held out my hand and he grabbed it with both hands and looked right at me and said, “How are you?” Yes, he remembered me! Then of course in the squeakiest voice, I say, “good.” LOL. Yes, I’m a dork. He smiled and shook some more hands.

All in all, this was an awesome concert. Lindsey seemed in a much better mood than Spokane.

Check out for my videos of the Ridgefield show at

(Thanks Tracy!)

And now for my "feel sorry for me" snippet. I drove my mom's car to the concerts since I didn't want to put the miles on mine. So when I get home, my mom says, "We've got some bad news for you." I was like "oh ****e!" I thought she was going to tell me my cat had been run over. I would have freaked. But no, instead she tells me some lady wasn't paying attention driving down the street and plowed into MY car parked on the street ramming it half way into our yard with her huge Suburban. My poor little car is ruined. The entire back end is just smashed It caused at least 5,000 in damage!! ugh, What's the World Coming to?

"Hearts will break with choices we must
make, so sleep and dream of me."
- LB

Last edited by AliP; 07-08-2004 at 01:22 AM..
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Old 07-07-2004, 11:06 PM
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Talking Hehe.

Originally Posted by AliP
I think after What Makes You Think You’re the One, Lindsey finally looked down at where I was and he recognized me!!

oh why of why can't I ever get a good picture of Stevie? It's like she has an invisible shield around her that reflects my camera. Almost all of her turned out blurry. I really, really tried to keep the camera still, I even rested my arms on the stage for most of them. I just don't understand what I am doing wrong.
I think you mean, I Know I'm Not Wrong. Hee!!

I know about the Stevie blurriness!! ALLLL of the pics I took on this tour of her came out crap!!! What is the deal?! She hates our cameras. LOL Nice review!! Off to look at your pics now!!

BTW, we need your password to see your pictures.
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Old 07-07-2004, 11:09 PM
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Great review, Ali!

I think you're a bit confused, Lindsey doesn't sing WMYTYTO, are you thinking of I Know I'm Not Wrong?

Lindsey is singing to Janna and Sharon during that part of Sara, he does it every night.

I noticed that about the "mic wiper" lol! Funny how you never notice him doing anything else, I wonder what his "day" job is the spit is horrible, that mic needs a good soak in some peroxide, that "mic wiper" is so quick it barely gets a dab some nights!

Your photo album need a password.

I see you just posted your other review.....
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Old 07-07-2004, 11:11 PM
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Originally Posted by wondergirl9847
I think you mean, I Know I'm Not Wrong. Hee!!

I know about the Stevie blurriness!! ALLLL of the pics I took on this tour of her came out crap!!! What is the deal?! She hates our cameras. LOL Nice review!! Off to look at your pics now!!

BTW, we need your password to see your pictures.

duh, you're right. I changed it in my review, so everyone wouldn't think I was a total idiot. Thanks!

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Old 07-07-2004, 11:16 PM
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Ok - sorry about the picture password thing. I'm just going to upload them here. It's much easier. Thanks for pointing that out!
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"Hearts will break with choices we must
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Old 07-07-2004, 11:19 PM
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More Spokane Photos.
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"Hearts will break with choices we must
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Old 07-07-2004, 11:20 PM
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Default Lmao!!!

What the heck is that face in the fourth pic?! LMAO!!!! Is he swallowing water there? BWAH!! That is too funny!!

Those are great pics, he's looking at you in two of them!! Cool!! Thanks for sharing them!
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Old 07-07-2004, 11:21 PM
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These are some good ones.
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"Hearts will break with choices we must
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Old 07-07-2004, 11:25 PM
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More Spokane Pictures
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"Hearts will break with choices we must
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Old 07-07-2004, 11:30 PM
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Originally Posted by AliP
Ok - sorry about the picture password thing. I'm just going to upload them here. It's much easier. Thanks for pointing that out!

You got some great shots.

that's a new lace shawl in #2 ...what song was that, Goodbye Baby? 130 odd shows and she's adding new clothes now

It looks like someone's hurting Lindsey in #3. ouch!

Finally, someone got a great shot of Lindsey bathed in the red light during Red Rover
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Old 07-07-2004, 11:42 PM
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Last Spokane picture and now Ridgefield pics
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"Hearts will break with choices we must
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Old 07-07-2004, 11:46 PM
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Ridgefield pics
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"Hearts will break with choices we must
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- LB
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Old 07-07-2004, 11:50 PM
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More Ridgefield pics
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"Hearts will break with choices we must
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Old 07-07-2004, 11:52 PM
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Last of the pics. Hope you all enjoy! I got a bunch more that will be on my website in the next couple of days.
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"Hearts will break with choices we must
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- LB
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